Why is my text on a path compressed and off to one side?

Check your settings to assure that snapping is not enabled. In Inkscape click the Enable Snapping button in the upper right corner of your window to turn it on or off. In Illustrator you would go to View>Snap to toggle snapping on or off. 

Inkscape Snap Tips:

Click the "Enable Snapping" button in the upper right corner of your Inkscape window to turn Snap on and off.

You can also change your Snap settings in Inkscape by going to File > Document Properties > Snap. 

There are additional settings in Preferences > Behavior > Snapping. 

Illustrator Snap Tips:

To turn off Snap in Illustrator, go to View > Snap to grid/guide/point (there are four different options)—select any of those options to turn them on or off.